Thursday, October 15, 2009

A More Peaceful Diwali

This'll have to be a short one. Just yesterday I put a post on Facebook to the effect that this year there are much less fireworks in Delhi as compared to previous years. Maybe - just maybe - Delhiites are waking up to the menace of global warming at long last, or maybe the relentless campaign against fireworks and other pollutants by schools as well as the media is finally beginning to show results.

However, today brought another train of thought. It's not just the fireworks that are subdued this year, but the entire festival hysteria. And so, I end up wondering: is it a rise in social consciousness, or simply a fall in the level of 'disposable' funds in the wake of economic recession? Is it that Delhiites have decided to become more socially responsible, or is it simply that they don't have as much 'money to burn' (literally) as in previous years?

Whatever be the cause, the effect is definitely a welcome one. And perhaps one should be grateful for small mercies, because it cannot be denied that thanks to the media and schools, the future generation is at least getting the concept of social responsibility in the context of global warning. I suppose it would be stretching optimism to look for concrete results in the short term, but then, evolution is a slow process!

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